13 Dec
13 Dec
9:48 p.m.
Well, it's LuaTeX, not Luaweb or so. So just use
\directlua0{ do local foo % not used error("File gives an error because the comment does end") end }
And you would have us write \directlua0{ function print_with_exclam(str) % Prints 'str' with an exclamation mark texio.write_nl(string.format("\string\%s!\string\n", str)) end print_with_exclam("Hello, world") } rather than \startluacode function print_with_exclam(str) -- Prints 'str' with an exclamation mark texio.write_nl(string.format("%s!\n", str)) end \stopluacode ? That's not very readable and extremely error-prone, I find. Arthur