Hi all, Here is my Christmas present to you: a bug report :-). When using \pdfsetmatrix in plain luatex, the y-axis of annotations seems to be inverted. Consider the following example, which should write the word "Link" and open the luatex homepage when a user clicks on it. -- \hbox {\pdfsave% \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 0 1}% \rlap{\pdfstartlink attr {/Border [0 0 1]} user {/Subtype /Link /A << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http://luatex.org/) >>} Link \pdfendlink}% \pdfrestore} \bye -- When commenting out \pdfsave, \pdfsetmatrix and \pdfrestore, everything is fine. With the (identity) transformation however, the text is still placed right, but the link annotation is on the bottom of the page. The example works fine with pdftex. I have tried luatex 0.70.2 shipped with texlive 2012 and the recently released luatex 0.74.0. Merry Christmas, Vianney