Hi Hilmar, On 11/28/2010 01:54 PM, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
luafilesystem: that local patch will go away soon (it is possible to slide the new functions in elsewhere, where they are not interfering with the upstream).
The patch is still in the lualib used by luatex. Did you made already a decision if that code is needed (and should be pushed upstream to the lua project)?
Thank you for reminding me, I had completely forgotten about this :( I now am in the process of upgrading luatex to use luafilesystem 1.5.0, and I will move most of the extra functionality to a different source file, as I wrote above. Nevertheless, there are two change sets that will remain in my version of the lfs.c file: one portability bug fix and one extension. Both of these are interesting enough to go upstream, in my opinion. The portability fix is in get_dir(), where the stock lfs version assumes a glibc-style runtime library that calls malloc() automatically inside getcwd(). I got a compilation failure report on that, for the Sun Studio compiler on Solaris 10 Sparc. The extension is an extra field thats is retunred by lfs.attributes(), named 'permissions'. This represents the file permissions as a simple 9-letter string (it uses "r", "w", and "x" only). Best wishes, Taco