Thanks, Taco! than this question is to Hans. ;-) another example with a table: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lua} \begin{document} \section{Example} \begin{table} \tabcolsep=0pc \caption{My table} \begin{tabular*}{\columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llllll@{}} \hline Coll1 & \multicolumn{5}{l@{}}{Coll2} \\ \hline & B0 & A0 & G0 & K0 & WD \\ \hline V & 20 & 19.8 & 19.7 & 19.7 & 19.7 \\ \hline \end{tabular*} \end{table} $2+2-E(R) = n$ \end{document} if I use pre_output_filter, I don't see table :( output 1 node.count=6 attr=nil <-- section seen here output 2 node.count=2 attr=nil output 3 node.count=12 attr=nil <-- section and formula seen here output 4 node.count=3 attr=nil output 5 node.count=4 attr=nil question: how to see all the nodes using callback in a shipout mode? or how to find out which hlist/vlist will be outputted? thanks in advance :) Taco Hoekwater wrote:
linuxss wrote:
Hi, lua experts!! I'm running a simple vpack_filter callback on a simple example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lua} %<--there is my callback \begin{document} $2+2-E(R) = n$ \end{document}
i see, that the formula is traversed in 1,3,4 vbox: vbox 1 node.count=6 attr=nil <--here vbox 2 node.count=2 attr=nil vbox 3 node.count=6 attr=nil <--here vbox 4 node.count=2 attr=nil <--here split_keep 5 node.count=2 attr=nil split_off 6 node.count=1 attr=nil vbox 7 node.count=4 attr=nil
Question is: how to know which one is shipout mode or is there something like checking \ifvmode, useing vpack_filter???
Probably Hans knows these extra packtypes better than I do by now, but the shipout packaging has a dedicated callback: pre_output_filter.
Best wishes, Taco