On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 2:28 PM Hans Hagen
On 8/29/2019 2:42 PM, Marcel Fabian Krüger wrote:
in current versions of LuaTeX, `runtoks` does not preserve token lists of ongoing assignments. Therefore running `runtoks` inside of `\edef` or similar replace the definition with the defined value of the last inner assignment.
fixed in next luatex but in a different way as we then also need to support deeper nesting
\meaning\innermacro \par \meaning\deepermacro\par \meaning\outermacro \par
done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7186 | luigi.scarso@gmail.com | 2019-09-01 15:25:05 +0200 (Sun, 01 Sep 2019) | 1 line permit nested runtoks in more complex situations of nesting (HH) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- luigi