Hi, Today's news: The source now also compiles using the mingw32 cross compiler. At least, it does on my linux machine, YMMV. Hans says the executable runs OK on XP, and that is the main thing. I do not really understand autoconf all that well, so I probably made a mess of the build system, but at the moment I am extremely happy that the cross-compile creates a valid (non crashing) executable. After three days of constant fighting (building/installing the cross-compiler itself, attempting to apply the mingw32 patches by Siep, and tricking autotools into postponing the configuration to "configure" (to avoid the need for reautoconf), I do not quite feel up to the task of cleaning up (e.g some headers are now duplicated four times). I will commit what I have in a few minutes. There are still quite a few problems with the program itself, but I'll have a look at that after the weekend. Taco