On Sun, 2 Feb 2025 at 15:22, Hans Hagen
On 2/2/2025 3:13 PM, Udicoudco wrote:
Absolutely! Any preferences on what values should it take? Positive/Negative like \matheqdirmode or simply 1 like \breakafterdirmode?
Another option, to avoid introducing a new primitive, is that if \mathdisplayskipmode is negative (-1, -2 or -3) then null pars will be flushed (kind of make sense as it also controls white space), and for the skip around the display the absolute value will be taken into account.
one never know if someone already sets it to a negative value (maybe as signal)
Hi all, this is the plan for TeX Live 2025 at https://www.tug.org/texlive: 1feb: candidate/final sources committed, test builds begin. 8feb: TL pretest starts, CTAN updates continue there and in tlnet. 22feb: code freeze for final build, major bug fixes only. 1mar: final updates from CTAN, final doc tweaks. 8mar: release TL and MacTeX. and yes, we are a little late -- and I guess that in this case we have to update the manual too. -- luigi