Nice to hear that pdftex |is not frozen totally. Could you please implement \localleftbox| and |\localrightbox macros from luatex (or Omega) to pdftex?| These are very useful macros for example I use it for links break in DVI mode. Where I close the active link on the line break and reopen it on the next line. And this perfectly works in page breaks, footnotes, floats Thanks, Linas On 1/11/2021 1:51 PM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
pdftex will in texlive 2021 change in two places
1. links where \pdfstartlink is in a different boxing level as \pdfendlink are no longer a fatal error but gives only a warning:
x\hbox{\pdfstartlink attr {/Border[0 0 1]} user{ /Subtype/Link% /A<<% /Type/Action% /S/URI% /URI(blkub)% >>% } Linktext} \pdfendlink
pdfTeX warning: \pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than \pdfstartl ink
2. There are two new primitives \pdfrunninglinkoff & \pdfrunninglinkon which allow to interrupt a running link for example in the header or footer.
Would it be possible to get this changes into luatex too?