11 Aug
11 Aug
8:13 p.m.
Hi Thanh, Thanh Han The wrote:
Hi Taco,
I find the djgpp cross compiler much easier to use than mingw32. The binary produced by mingw32 is probably faster, however using djgpp cross compiler is almost the same as the native compiler. If you are interested I can send the package (its building was rather lengthy).
Thanks for the offer, but it works fine now. I now have unified sources with a bunch of #ifdef __MINGW32__ statements thrown in, and the only things that don't compile for win are IPC (the dvi output to a named pipe) and regular expressions (don't have a cross-compiled regex library yet). The latter one is simple to fix, don't know about the former one. I am not even sure if named pipes _can_ work on windows. Cheers, Taco