Test suite is at http://www.pragma-ade.nl/context/latest/cont-tst.7z
I have just installed a standalone context, and compiled all the 1386 .tex files in the test suite: 1343 Generate a PDF 26 Terminate without error, but do not generate a PDF 19 Fail ----- ----------------- 1386 Total Here is a summary of the errors: math/joinrel-001.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '1' has no name! math/stacking-001.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '10' has no name! fonts/lucida-005.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '5' has no name! fonts/lucida-002.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '5' has no name! fonts/lucida-003.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '1' has no name! fonts/lucida-001.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '1' has no name! fonts/show-001.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '1' has no name! fonts/compose-001.tex ! error: (font): lua-loaded font '5' has no name! graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type graphics/images-002.tex luatex warning > pdf backend: internal error: ignoring unknown image type math/stylealternatives-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 14 in file math/stylealternatives-001.tex: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) math/scripts-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 14 in file math/scripts-001.tex: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) math/collapse-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 7 in file math/collapse-001.tex: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) math/opentype-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 8 in file math/opentype-001.tex: ! Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set math/symbols-002.tex tex error > tex error on line 6 in file math/symbols-002.tex: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) math/minion-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 11 in file math/minion-001.tex: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) math/mappings-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 1 in file virtual://buffer.sample.2: ! \textfont0 is undefined (character 63) fonts/alternates-001.tex tex error > tex error on line 7 in file fonts/alternates-001.tex: ! Font \0=file:scheherazade-regular.ttf:mode=base;script=arab;salt=0 at 10pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad fonts/extensions-005.tex tex error > tex error on line 24 in file fonts/extensions-005.tex: ! Font \foo=name:vollkorn:mode=node;kern=yes;liga=yes; not loadable: metric data not found or bad Is this as expected? Is compiling each of the .tex file the right way to use the test suite? I also tried with TeX Live 2016, but that gave roughly twice as many errors. For testing I used unmodified distributions, with the original luatex binaries. Cheers /Lars