Implementing Unicode bidi will mean keeping track of the (directionality of the) first character of every horizontal list so that calculations of embedding levels can be done. Omega has never done that, and it couldn't do it because OTPs use buffers which are most of the time smaller than the whole paragraph. Is TeX-e-Parsi doing it? I do not think so. Furthermore you all talk about LTR and RTL, but what about vertical typesetting, in the Chinese or in the Mongolian way? Obviously TeX-e-Parsi doesn't care about that. Yes, TeX-e-Parsi does not care about vertical typesetting but if we achieve a perfect algorithm for LTR and RTL, then we will be able to do the same for vertical typesetting. _________________________________________________________________ Holiday cheer from Messenger. Download free emoticons today! http://livelife.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=669758