Patrick Gundlach wrote:
I am thinking about adding a colorstack whatsit at both sides of my nodelist. You would rather user pdfliteral whatsits and set the color by hand?
You can use also pdfliteral node, or (if you make some list processing anyway) a user whatsit node (8, 44), or (which I personally prefer) latelua node. I use latelua nodes for all graphic-related purposes, because it allows me to represent graphic properties by lua-objects (rather then fixed strings) and operate on them by lua-programs. I read from your answer that I can run into problems with
page breaks, true?
For the page breaking mechanism all those whatsits are the same. The advangage of pdfcolorstack mechanism is that it inserts the whatsits automatically on page breaks which results in passing a graphic state from one page to another, which otherwise is not strightforward in pure (pdf)tex. But if i understood correctly you work with the page node list already, so you can insert nearly anything anywhere ;) So here i see no advantage of using pdfcolorstack nodes over pdfliteral nodes (or latelua nodes). -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl