Trouble with generating warning messages in Unicode

Hello, I am having trouble with generating a warning message with unicode characters and LuaLaTeX. My code is as follows: \documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{quack.sty} \ProvidesPackage{quack}[2021/11/30 v0.1 quack quack] \newcommand{\quack}{% \PackageWarningNoLine{quack}{% ककाकिकी खखाखिखी गगागिगी घघाघिघी ङङाङिङी\MessageBreak चचाचिची छछाछिछी जजाजिजी झझाझिझी ञञाञिञी\MessageBreak टटाटिटी ठठाठिठी डडाडिडी ढढाढिढी णणाणिणी% }% } \end{filecontents} \usepackage{quack} \begin{document} \quack \end{document} If I run this with xelatex, the warning message is printed as expected. With pdflatex and lualatex it isn't. In a GitHub issue[1] I was told that pdftex and luatex count in bytes and I need to reset it with max_print_line in order to print this warning correctly. As it has to be set in the .cnf or .ini files in the local installations or per compile, I asked if it can be set in the TeX code. They told me to report this to luatex developers and therefore I am mailing this issue here. There are two questions: 1. If I set the max_print_line to, say 300, it prints the log in an unusual way. Everything in the log is affected. So can luatex be requested to count the strings the way XeLaTeX counts them? What implication will it have? 2. If the above is not possible/worth/advisable; can there be a feature to set the max_print_line in the TeX code? David Carlisle says[2] in LuaTeX it can be checked, but not changed. [1]: [2]:
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