The Aleph team has declared that Aleph development has been halted for some time; efforts are concentrated on luatex now. Therefore they recommend that TeX Live simply make the "aleph" executable a link to luatex. So I plan to implement that recommendation. If this is going to cause insuperable problems for anyone, tell the Aleph folks so they can convince you otherwise :). BTW, there is no plan to remove or significantly change Omega; essentially the same binary and support for Omega will be present as in past years. We (notably Akira) have already integrated the updates from Knuth's "2008 tune-up". Best, Karl

The Aleph team has declared that Aleph development has been halted for some time; efforts are concentrated on luatex now. Therefore they recommend that TeX Live simply make the "aleph" executable a link to luatex. So I plan to implement that recommendation.
I strongly disagree, at least at the current point. I am myself using Aleph as an alternative to Omega (Aleph has less bugs), and luatex DOES NOT produce the same results. It still hangs with complex LaTeX files. I suggest you do that symlink only once we are sure that we get the same results and that every file which compiles with Aleph/Omega also compiles with luatex. Maybe what luatex does is enough for the "aleph guys", but this is not a reason to remove it from the distribution and replace it with something not compatible. You should rather care for people that actually use aleph and do not want their files to be broken because some (smart) guy said "luatex does the same thing we don't need aleph anymore". I'm not asking for any evolution of aleph, just leave it where it is and as it is. Or let people choose whether they want the real thing or the symlink. cheers Yannis Le 30 mars 08 à 23:53, Karl Berry a écrit :
If this is going to cause insuperable problems for anyone, tell the Aleph folks so they can convince you otherwise :).
BTW, there is no plan to remove or significantly change Omega; essentially the same binary and support for Omega will be present as in past years. We (notably Akira) have already integrated the updates from Knuth's "2008 tune-up".
Best, Karl _______________________________________________ dev-luatex mailing list dev-luatex@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/dev-luatex
-- + -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D. yannis.haralambous@telecom- bretagne.eu | | Directeur d'Études http://omega.enstb.org/ yannis | | Tel. +33 (0) | | Fax +33 (0) | | Département Informatique | | TELECOM Bretagne | | Technopôle de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France | | Coordonnées Google-Earth : 48°21'31.57"N 4°34'16.76"W | + -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un aquarium, mieux vaut n'être pas poisson ...the ball I threw while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern über Schubert sprechen, nur Nächtens den Bäumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzählen mögen.

It seems self-evident to me that it is up to the Aleph maintainers what to do with their own program. I'm just the one implementing a recommendation. No one seems to know how many actual Aleph users there are at this point-- you are the only one known. That's part of why I broadcast the email. I don't have strong feelings about it myself, although it's always nice to save space and simplify things. It's no problem to continue to include the separate binary; the work is already done. We can make the binary available even if we don't include it on the DVD. karl P.S. It is extra work for me to read your HTML-only messages. Any chance of making your mailer at least multipart/alternative?

Karl Berry wrote:
P.S. It is extra work for me to read your HTML-only messages. Any chance of making your mailer at least multipart/alternative?
Odd, the immediately preceding message from Y. Ch. was
rendered in plain text by Seamonkey 1.1, and had an
HTML alternative which it did not disclose until
source was viewed.
** Phil.
Message-Id: <6F8B02E7-1073-4EB4-89EA-96B6EB2308BC@telecom-bretagne.eu>
From: Yannis Haralambous
The Aleph team has declared that Aleph development has been halted for some time; efforts are concentrated on luatex now. Therefore they recommend that TeX Live simply make the "aleph" executable a link to luatex. So I plan to implement that recommendation.
... --Apple-Mail-49-974868884 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-50-974868885 --Apple-Mail-50-974868885 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html>
The = Aleph team has declared that Aleph development has been halted = for<br>some time; efforts are concentrated on luatex now. = Therefore they<br>recommend that TeX Live simply make the "aleph" = executable a link to<br></blockquote>luatex. = So I plan to implement that = ... --Apple-Mail-50-974868885 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Yannis Haralambous.vcf" Content-Type: text/directory; x-mac-hide-extension=yes; x-unix-mode=0644; name="Yannis Haralambous.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable BEGIN:VCARD=0D=0AVERSION:3.0=0D=0AN:Haralambous;Yannis;;;=0D=0AFN:Yannis=20= Haralambous=0D=0AORG:Enseignant-chercheur\,=20TELECOM=20Bretagne;=0D=0A= EMAIL;type=3DINTERNET;type=3DWORK;type=3Dpref:yannis.haralambous@telecom-b= retagne.eu=0D=0ATEL;type=3DWORK;type=3Dpref:+33=20229001427=0D=0A= TEL;type=3DCELL:+33=20607981626=0D=0ATEL;type=3DWORK;type=3DFAX:+33=20= 229001282=0D=0Aitem1.ADR;type=3DWORK;type=3Dpref:;;D=C3=A9partement=20= Informatique\,=20TELECOM=20Bretagne\,=20CS=2083818;Brest=20Cedex=20= 3;;29238;France=0D=0Aitem1.X-ABADR:fr=0D=0A= X-ABUID:CD3E6B27-C13F-40A4-B2F7-8393D5CE6493\:ABPerson=0D=0AEND:VCARD=0D=0A= --Apple-Mail-50-974868885 Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html><div><div><div><div><div><span></span> </font></div></font></div></div></span></div></span></span></div><br></div><= /div></div></body></html>= --Apple-Mail-50-974868885-- --Apple-Mail-49-974868884--
30 Mar 30 Mar5:43 p.m.2008/3/31 Yannis Haralambous wrote:
I am myself using Aleph as an alternative to Omega (Aleph has less bugs)
In that case - wouldn't it be better to remove bugs from Omega by backporting code from Aleph? (or even vice versa - make omega a symlink for aleph - I don't really know how compatible the two engines are) PS: I don't have any strong opinion either, but it would make more sense to have one good engine (even if obsolete) than to have several of them, none of which really does what users expect. Mojca
31 Mar 31 Mar1:41 a.m.Hi Yannis, Yannis Haralambous wrote:
I strongly disagree, at least at the current point.
I also disagree, for now (TL 2008).
I am myself using Aleph as
an alternative to Omega (Aleph has less bugs), and luatex DOES NOT produce the same results. It still hangs with complex LaTeX files. I suggest you do that symlink only once we are sure that we get the same results and that every file which compiles with Aleph/Omega also compiles with luatex.
Unless you file a bug report, this situation is unlikely to change soon, I assume you are aware of that? Best wishes, Taco
2:31 a.m.Unless you file a bug report, this situation is unlikely to change soon, I assume you are aware of that?
Yes. It is a matter of time and energy: my files are so complex that I can hardly send you all auxiliary files, I have to bring the bug down to a minimal case, and that takes time. But I will do it! -- + -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Yannis Haralambous, Ph.D. yannis.haralambous@telecom- bretagne.eu | | Directeur d'Études http://omega.enstb.org/ yannis | | Tel. +33 (0) | | Fax +33 (0) | | Département Informatique | | TELECOM Bretagne | | Technopôle de Brest Iroise, CS 83818, 29238 Brest CEDEX 3, France | | Coordonnées Google-Earth : 48°21'31.57"N 4°34'16.76"W | + -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ...pour distinguer l'extérieur d'un aquarium, mieux vaut n'être pas poisson ...the ball I threw while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern über Schubert sprechen, nur Nächtens den Bäumen und Sternen von ihm vorerzählen mögen.
participants (5)
Mojca Miklavec
Taco Hoekwater
Yannis Haralambous