A mechanism to know which registers are already allocated?

Hello all, When you write something that isn't tied to any format, the successful allocation of registers depends on the same macros being defined in all formats (e.g. \newcount). (Admittedly, you can do very well without registers by using Lua variable, but only for counts and dimens.) Unfortunately, for attributes, you either have \newattribute in ConTeXt (as far as I can tell from the sources), while in plain and LaTeX you have \newluatexattribute iff you're willing to load luatexbase-attr (which I'm not, although I appreciate the effort). In other words, there is no ``tradition'' here on which one could rely. Now, could it be possible to implement e.g. a "tex.counts" table, whose entries would be \countdef'ed names and the values would be the number of the associated registers? Then one could easily reserve a new register on the fly without having to rely on the same macros, e.g.: \def\FindFreeRegister#1{% \directlua{% local t = {} for _, c in pairs(tex["#1"]) do t[c] = true end for i=22, 2^16-1 do if not t[i] then tex.print(i) break end end}% } \countdef\mycount=\FindFreeRegister{counts} Actually, any other way to make sure a register isn't associated with a command would do; the important thing is that it is implemented in the engine, not in the formats. Best, Paul
participants (1)
Paul Isambert