

October 2006

  • 62 participants
  • 137 discussions
url compared to hyperref
by Marko Schütz 26 Oct '06

26 Oct '06
Directories of pictures
by Maurício 26 Oct '06

26 Oct '06
6 13
0 0
typesetting a url from variabless
by Aditya Mahajan 26 Oct '06

26 Oct '06
index bug ?
by Steffen Wolfrum 26 Oct '06

26 Oct '06
figure captions in the margin
by Alex Lubberts 26 Oct '06

26 Oct '06
Re: [NTG-context] resource libraries
by Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini 25 Oct '06

25 Oct '06
Two misfeatures in placefigure
by Aditya Mahajan 25 Oct '06

25 Oct '06
In-line syntax highlighting for type
by Aditya Mahajan 25 Oct '06

25 Oct '06
Two problems with current ruby scripts
by Norbert Preining 25 Oct '06

25 Oct '06

25 Oct '06