9 Oct
9 Oct
12:59 p.m.
Am 09.10.2020 um 14:48 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 10/9/2020 9:01 AM, Denis Maier wrote:
[...] I see. I've noticed lang-us.lua has a list of exceptions in it: ["exceptions"]={ ["characters"]="abcdefghijlmnoprstuyz", ["data"]="as-so-ciate as-so-ciates dec-li-na-tion oblig-a-tory phil-an-thropic present presents project projects reci-procity re-cog-ni-zance ref-or-ma-tion ret-ri-bu-tion ta-ble", ["length"]=168, ["n"]=14, },
Would it be possible to add more exceptions to that list as they come up? Or is that inappropriate? you can add your own runtime in a style:
\hyphenation {fo-ob-ar} \hsize 1mm foobar
Sure. I use \startexceptions[en] for that. I just thought everyone might benefit... Denis