Dear list,
I have
experienced a problem updating the ConTeXt version I use on a current
Linux operating system flavour beginning ca. two months ago.
By that
time, as was successfully applied several times before within the past
year of me using ConTeXt, I initiated the update process on the bash
console via one command recommended on the corresponding ConTeXt page:
"sh ./ --context=current".
Then, and on two other
ocassions very recently, ConTeXt got stuck (after data had indeed been
received and some actions concerning the usual update had been executed,
too) giving back the following lines in the bash console that puzzled
me a lot:
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.87.0 (TeX Live
2016/dev) (INITEX)
system commands enabled.
Undefined control sequence.
l.1020 pdfoutput
I admit that this code example is quite short, but it is
definitely the last that the whole ConTeXt update process
returns-otherwise it stood still.
What-except for uninstalling and
re-installing ConTeXt-could help now? If ever possible, a conservation
of my current ConTeXt installation appeared preferable to me.
Do you use Tikz in your document?