Taco writes:
Hans always runs with all three switches true, so he never has any problems, but Mojca and I also regularly have issues like this. The last of those was the incorrect scaling of sometxt() in \runmpgraphicsfalse reported two or three weeks back.
Good to know that it isn't something I did when changing to texlive from tetex. Mine might be a similar problem to what you describe about sometxt (although I used btex..etex), because in my example the figure has the wrong width (very narrow).
Hans, can you look at this, please? Or, if you don't want to support \runmpgraphics false any more, document that somewhere.
When the output depends on the settings, documents lose portability to other ConTeXt installations. Most set shell_escape = f, the tetex and texlive default, and most users won't have set \runMP[TEX]graphicstrue in cont-sys.rme. -Sanjoy `Not all those who wander are lost.' (J.R.R. Tolkien)