Hello, I'd like to introduce new code by highlighting it with a background. For instance the following snippet of code does what I want: ----- \starttext \input tufte \setupcolors[state=start] \startbackground \startJV import java.io.IOException ; import org.xml.sax.SAXException ; \stopJV \stopbackground \input tufte \stoptext ----- I'd like to get the two nested environments startbackground/startJV, grouped together under a single concept, in this case the single concept startNewCode. I thought I'd just slurp up the argument nested between the keywords \startNewCode and \stopNewCode into memory and then process the argument. This is my attempt: ----- \definetype [typeJV] [option=JV,palet=graypretty] \def\startNewCode{\blank[medium] \begingroup \catcode`\\=12 \STARTNewCode} { \catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12 |long|gdef|STARTNewCode#1\stopNewCode{% |startbackground |typeJV{#1} |stopbackground |blank[medium] |endgroup}} \starttext \input tufte \startNewCode import java.io.IOException ; import org.xml.sax.SAXException ; \stopNewCode \input tufte \stoptext ----- This unfortunately doesn't work. It gets rid of blank lines and doesn't pretty-print. I realize my attempt is naive, but I've run out of ideas of how to combine a background with a verbatim argument.