Hi all, I am using formulas and legends as described in the manual and encountered the 2 following (minor) problems (see example at the end of the message): 1. Legends: when using the units module (e.g. \Joule), the alignement is not the same as when using normal characters (in the example: the number 8314 is more to the left than the J of \Joule etc.. Replacing \Joule by J aligns it with the number below. This also occurs when running the example live on context-garden. Adding \null in front of 8314 doesn't help (why not?). 2. The RT of the equation is not slanted as are the other variables -- on my two setups (on contextgarden it is). Is this a version problem? (If it is, I don't want to upgrade because I'm sure I'll mess things up -- as I said, it's no big deal). Example: \enableregime [il1] \mainlanguage [de] \usemodule[greek] \usemodule[units] \starttext \placeformula[formula:en_2] \startformula \Delta G = \Delta G\Degrees ' + RT\ln\frac{[C] \Times [D]}{[A] \Times [B]} \stopformula \startlegend \leg G\Degrees ' \\ Standard Gibbs' freie Energie \\ \Joule \Per \Mol \\ \leg R \\ Gaskonstante \\ 8314 \Joule \Times \ILinear\Kelvin \Times \ILinear\Mol \\ \leg [A], [B], [C], [D] \\ Konzentrationen von A etc. \\ \Mol \\ \stoplegend \stoptext Thanks and cheers, Jörg