En/na Alan BRASLAU ha escrit:
On Friday 19 February 2010 14:16:39 Xan wrote:
How can we change the width, height and color of the second node ("chart") in this example:
\usemodule[chart] \setupFLOWcharts[height=3\lineheight]
\startFLOWchart[example] \startFLOWcell \name {flow} \location {1,1} \text {Flow} \connection [rl] {chart} \stopFLOWcell \startFLOWcell \name {chart} \location{2,1} \text {Charts} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart \FLOWchart[example]
PS: I cc mailing list, because I think it's general interest topic.
Yes, I am interested.
Great! ;-)
I do not see how one can change the width and height of a node as I believe that the grid is defined through \setupFLOWcharts.
However, it could eventually be interesting to be able to modify the frame size within a cell \startFLOWcell [width=] or \startFLOWcell [scale=] but this is not (yet) a feature...
I see no reason why one cannot set the color by FLOWcell, but the obvious \startFLOWcell [framecolor=red,backgroundcolor=yellow] does not seem to work.
Yes, it's the natural way. I think the module could be improve in that way. Xan.