21 Feb
21 Feb
2:29 p.m.
Any hints on enumerating fillinlines? Below describes the request (I hope this fomats okay on forum) the answer lines align with the top line of the question and are in a margin column: 1. Here is a question. 1. __________ 2. Here is another question. If it wraps 2. __________ around the text should be in a block and the fillinline should be aligned with the first line of the question. Diagrams can also be part of the questions. I accomplish this in pdfLaTeX by defining command: \newcommand{\ansblank}{\leavevmode\marginpar{\labelenumi\hrulefill\raggedright\par}} So, in enumerate environment \item\ansblank does the the trick. My inexperienced attempts with ConTeXt make a terrible hash of it. Thanks.