On 11/27/2012 11:06 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
you probably need to copy mtxrun.lua to mtxrun in some bin path
Yes, that appears to be the culprit - after overwriting the "old" mtxrun with the fresh copy, it seems to work. On 11/27/2012 11:07 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:> What exactly do you mean with a canonical way? The most reliable way
could be creating a tar.xz package from the beta and install that one, but it wouldn't guarantee you that ConTeXt would work at all. Usually quite some effort is put into making sure that ConTeXt runs on TeX Live at all and it remains more or less stable (one has to start convincing Hans about a month in advance of TL freeze to slow down the development and try to hold on with major code changes, so that major bugs get fixed without introducing too many new ones; and it's also important to make sure that ConTeXt integrates well with the given framework of TL).
Creating a script to make you a tar.xz would be doable, but it would be completely unsupported.
An alternative is to put ConTeXt into your home/local tree (or some other tree where TL would find the files), but the nasty detail is that you have to make sure that all the relevant binaries & scripts are replaced as well. Notably that's mtxrun.
Hmm, that sounds much more complex than the simple fix Hans suggested. Since you package context for texlive, you have much more experience here than I do: any more scripts that need to be copied into the binary tree? (apart from luatex itself, if it gets updated to a new version) Thomas