On 10/13/2016 11:56 AM, josephcanedo@gmail.com wrote:
Apparently this difference comes from this change in font-ots.lua near line 603. If I edit the file to put back the discretionary_code argument, the output is same with new beta.
Hi Joseph, French hyphenation is unknown to me, but I have a different approach.
MWE (well as close to MWE I could write, requires EBGaramond unfortunately).
The document main language is invoked in ConTeXt with: \mainlanguage[fr]
\setupalign[hanging, lesshyphenation, hz]
I suspect that if you ask for less hyphenation, you get it. See my sample: \mainlanguage[fr] \setupalign[lesshyphenation] \starttext \hyphenatedword{T advint qu'il y eut famine au pays/ oultre la premiere famine/ qui fut au temps de Abraham. Et Izahak s'en alla vers Abimelech Roy des Philisthins en Gerar} \stoptext \hyphenatedword is your friend here. I get different results if I comment the second line (to get normal hyphenation). I wonder whether this might be causing the issue you’re experiencing. Just in case it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk