13 Apr
13 Apr
9:01 a.m.
ok, it's a joke http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.pdftex/3404 (but the best is http://www.google.com/tisp/ ) But my question is: Will be "easy" in luatex to implement a new output format (dvi,pdf,xps,<<my-xml>>,<<my-bin-format>>) driven by command line ? Actually $>texmfstart texexec --pdf a.tex ==> a.pdf $>texmfstart texexec a.tex ==> a.dvi ie, tex=>pdf or tex=>dvi because pdftex has two native output format. Of course one can use workflows tex=>dvi=>ps=>pdf tex=>dvi=>html by external tools, or one can write a tex macro that write on file whatever one wants, but it's not what I mean. luigi