21 Aug
21 Aug
4:17 p.m.
Mohammad Hossein Bateni mailto:bateni@gmail.com 21. August 2016 um 18:06 While \definefontfamily method works, I can't get the \definedfont method to work.
\setupalign[r2l] % this works
%\definefontfamily[mainfont][rm][KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh][features=arabic]
When you don’t set a method ConTeXt looks for a file with the given name which is equal to \definedfont[file:uthmantn1wer10*arabic] ... where I told ConTeXt to use the file method, another method which can be used is the name method which can be used like this \definedfont[name:kfgqpcuthmantahanaskh*arabic] ... Wolfgang