23 May
23 May
4:33 a.m.
Hi, I am trying to obtain the following result : CHAPITRE I Title of chapter1.1 Title of section1.1.1 Title of subsection In other words, I need my chapter numbers to be in roman number, but not in the numbers of the sections and subsections (1.1.1 and not I.1.1). Here is the base code : \setuplist [chapter] [label=yes,style={\blank[0cm]}]\setupsection[section-2][conversion=Romannumerals]\setuplabeltext[chapter=CHAPITRE~] \starttext \placecontent \chapter{Title of chapter}\section{Title of section}\subsection{Title of subsection} \stoptext which results in : CHAPITRE I Title of chapterI.1 Title of sectionI.1.1 Title of subsection Any idea ?All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch, Mathieu