Dear Developers, On Sun, 20 Feb 2011, Michail Vidiassov wrote:
to be precise, the attachment is attached once but is listed twice by Adobe Reader.
PDF spec states ---------- An embedded file stream shall be included in a PDF document in one of the following ways: • Any file specification dictionary in the document may have an EF entry that specifies an embedded file stream. The stream data shall still be associated with a location in the file system. In particular, this method shall be used for file attachment annotations (see, "File Attachment Annotations"), which associate the embedded file with a location on a page in the document. • Embedded file streams may be associated with the document as a whole through the EmbeddedFiles entry (PDF 1.4) in the PDF document’s name dictionary (see 7.7.4, "Name Dictionary"). The associated name tree shall map name strings to file specifications that refer to embedded file streams through their EF entries. ---------- while code in lpdf-wid.lua sends everything to EmbeddedFiles - including files associated "with a location on a page in the document" as in the examples in the originator's post. For example http://www.microtype.com/showcase/EmbedFiles.pdf has it done correctly, EmbeddedFiles refers only to that embedded files that are not linked to particular icons on pages. Sincerely, Michail PS. did not experiment with patching lpdf-wid.lua myself yet...