Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
On Nov 15, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Andreas Harder wrote:
Hi all!
I've two or more problems with bibliographies:
1) look at the attached attachment, the first brace.
I guess you mean the parenthesis. That appears to be a bug with the refcommands author and authoryears. If you use refcommand=authoryear, the output looks right. Hans, Taco?
The dangling "(" is a mkiv artifict only for me (mkii is fine), and it goes away when the .bib file is patched as below, so I believe this problem can be safely ignored as a side-effect of another error.
2) @book{b, title={B Titel B}, author={Brüser}, % error -> ü!!! year={2000}, publisher={VS Verlag} }
Something is fishy with your file.
No, it is bibtex, which is not utf-8 aware so it breaks the encoding for the ü in the middle. You need author={Br{ü}ser}, To prevent bibtex from creating an invalid short key.
3) I want "just get a typeset version of the used database" (without \cite[a,b,c,d]), how to achieve this?
I was going to write "add criterium=all" to the \setuppublications command, but it worketh not.
This is only in mkiv, but yes: \setuppublications[criterium=all] does not seem to work in mkiv. Input that should have worked is attached. Hans? Best wishes, Taco