At 19:57 -0500 7/11/04, David Munger wrote:
Oh sorry for not being clear about it. I was assuming that some presentation module would be imported, for instance: \usemodule[pre-original]
So probably there lacks a \page command in your \Subject definition.
About the \[ and \]: you're right. I was using the amsl module from Giuseppe Bilotta.
Thanks for your remarks. :-)
So, assuming that the steps code is in a file name t-rsteps.tex, the complete example would be:
\usemodule [pre-original] \usemodule [rsteps]
Hi David, Thanks for the details. Indeed I get now what is expected from your macros, and as a matter of fact the result is much much better than that of my crude macros... You did a great improvement! So I am going to use yours from now on: thanks again! If I can suggest a possible improvement to the t-rsteps.tex macros, it is the following: When one uses these macros with an automatic numbering such as \placeformula[equation-reference] (see the example below), with each invocation of \page (that is a step) the number increases, and this is an unwanted side result. Would it possible to "freeze" the numbering procedure in such a way that the number doesn't change in each step? (When I was using my macros, I didn't use \placeformula in sildes with steps, but rather an old \leqno from plain TeX). Best regards: OK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% example steps-david-2.tex \usemodule [pre-original] \usemodule [rsteps] \starttext \StartSteps[Slide Title] % the title is passed to % the \Subject macro defined in pre-original \startitemize \FromStep[1] {\item {\bf Lemma. } {\it For any $u,v \in H$, a Hilbert space, we have the following Cauchy-Schwarz inequality\/} \placeformula[Cauchy-Schwarz] \startformula |(u|v)| \leq \Vert u\Vert \cdot \Vert v \Vert. \stopformula} \FromStep[2] {\item {\bf Proof. } Consider $f(t):= (u+tv|u+tv)$ for $t\in {\Bbb C}$.} \FromStep[3]{\item We have $f(t) \geq 0$ for all $t\in {\Bbb C}$.} \stopitemize \StopSteps \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end example steps-david-2.tex