Hi Have updated my standalone installation from one of the 2020 releases to the latest one running ./first-setup.sh --context=latest --modules=all Now i see the strange behavior that fraction in second equation is not typeset instead typesetting math aborts after typesetting the upper part of the fraction. A short example showing this is attached (pdf, tex, and log) Therefore i have the following questions - would it help to sacrifice the updated standalone installation and do a fresh install - What else i would have to check and probably fix to make the math working as expected - any thing else to change -- -- Christoph Hintermüller Dipl.-Ing. Dr. MBA. MSc JKU Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria, Cell: +43 650 8827347 Tel. +43 732 2468 4813 Email: christoph.hintermueller@jku.at