Hi Renaud, Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Hi all,
I need to print labels on this kind of paper: - A4 page with 24 labels (70mm x 36mm) - 3 columns and 8 rows - 4.5mm top margin, 4.5mm bottom margin
I use:
\definepapersize[DECAdry-70x36][width=70mm,height=36mm] \setuppapersize[DECAdry-70x36][A4] \setuppaper[nx=3,ny=8] \setuparranging[XY]
I just need to know how to reserve a vertical white space (4.5mm) from the top of the A4 page and put all my labels side-by-side (vertically and horizontally).
I hope that the following solution, which I use for making adres-labels kan give you the answer: The key for reserving the white space is the veroffset= option. Cheers Willi % Adres labels format 45 by 100mm % Context file % filename: testetiket.tex % Willi Egger % may 2006 % The carrying sheet is too thin to be pulled through the laser-printer when labels have been taken off. % Therefore one needs to start using the label-sheet "bottum-up". \setupbodyfont[rm,12pt] \definepapersize[Etiket][height=42.3mm,width=105mm] \setuppapersize [Etiket][A4,portrait] \setuppaper [topspace=0mm, backspace=0mm, dx=.5mm, dy=0mm, nx=2, ny=7, margin=0, width=210mm, height=297mm] \setuplayout [% % veroffset=4.5mm, % horoffset=4.5mm, topspace=4mm, backspace=6mm, margin=0mm, width=96mm, height=34mm, header=0mm, footer=0mm] \setuparranging[XY] \definelayer[Etiket][width=\textwidth, height=\textheight] \setupframedtexts[frame=off,width=\textwidth,align=right] \startbuffer[Sender] \framed[frame=off,bottomframe=on,rulethickness=1pt,width=\textwidth,align=right]{% Sender, street, ZIP town} \stopbuffer \def\Printlabel{3} %Last available label \def\Addresses{14} %Number of labels per sheet. \startbuffer[Adr\Printlabel] \framedtext{% \startlines Name Street ZIP Town Country \stoplines} \stopbuffer \showframe \starttext \dostepwiserecurse{1}{\Addresses}{1}{% \ifnum\recurselevel=\Printlabel {\setlayer [Etiket] [preset=lefttop,location={right,bottom}] {\switchtobodyfont[5pt]\getbuffer[Sender]} \setlayer [Etiket] [preset=leftbottom,location={right,top},y=-3mm,x=-3mm] {\switchtobodyfont[10pt]\getbuffer[Adr\recurselevel]}} \else {\setlayer [Etiket] [preset=lefttop,location={right,bottom}] {\strut}} \fi \placelayer[Etiket]} \stoptext