On 15 May 2016, at 20:06, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 5/15/2016 7:28 PM, Hans Åberg wrote:
What do you mean with change by hand ... isn't that what context can do for you? Operate on all those axes ... (\tf is the upright one). There are extensive mapping mechanisms so best user them.
The idea is to follow Unicode math styles in the input, so the serif upright styles must be in the ASCII range—there are no special math styles for those. Right now, in TeX code, one normally uses the in the ASCII range for math italic. So all variables, now in the ASCII range must be changed to Unicode math italic in order to not conflict with the upright ones put into the ASCII range, unless one does something else: Say using the math sans-serif upright for the upright. But that isn’t right either, as someone, now that both serif and sans-serif math styles are available, may want to use them to indicate semantically different math objects.
well, there is no
so till then we have to deal with two kinds of input and an explicit document default
Indeed, and users are conservative, so it might be forever. But if efficient input methods come along, then using the ASCII and Greek ranges for upright math style, apparently the Unicode intent, might be useful.