Maarten Sneep
``Welcome to typeface hell'', describes my feelings correctly.
Welcome to the club.
I'm trying to use the free postscript fonts that come with teTeX (urw palatino, times, helvetica, courier and various others, you know the list) in ec encoding.
I'll send you a testfile off list. Please tell me if it is working. A couple days ago I have sent a testfile (I think it was to Wolfgang) with a changed berry typeface (from type-enc.tex).
I thinks I followed the instructions correctly, but still no luck. I'm using teTeX 2.0 with the TeXLive binaries (the ``Gerben Wierda'' distribution) on Mac OS X 10.2.3 (Jaguar). The frustrating bit is that in
could you please send me the psfonts.map and pdftex.map files from your distribution?
1 - I've used texfont on the type-ftm.dat file in the default installation
Oh you don't need to reinstall your fonts! The TeX font files already a complete mess in an average TeX distribution. No need to increase this mess.
My direct questions: a - Did anyone succeed in using the free postscript fonts on Mac OS X, using a distribution that I use (i.e. the most recent version)
I am not using tetex 2.0 on Mac OS X. Only texlive. And i had a successfull attempt.
b - What were the exact commands that you used? Can you send me a simple test file?
c - Did you experience the same EC.enc vs ec.enc naming problem?
(I am not using texfont) Patrick