On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
\xrightarrow{big superscipt}
Any suggestions?
Not completely identical, but similar.
The syntax can be made identical (even better) than that of amsmath. \def\xrightarrow{\dosingleempty\doxrightarrow} \def\xleftarrow {\dosingleempty\doxleftarrow} \def\doxrightarrow[#1]{\dodoublegroupempty\dodoxrightarrow{#1}} \def\doxleftarrow[#1]{\dodoublegroupempty\dodoxleftarrow{#1}} \def\dodoxrightarrow#1#2{\mathrel {{\domthxarr0359\rightarrowfill{#1}{#2}}}} \def\dodoxleftarrow#1#2{\mathrel {{\domthxarr3095\leftarrowfill{#1}{#2}}}} \starttext $$ A \xrightarrow[]{stuff on top} B $$ $$ A \xrightarrow[stuff below]{} B $$ \startformula A \xleftarrow[stuff below]{stuff on top} B \stopformula $$ A \xleftarrow B $$ $$ \rightarrow A \xrightarrow{stuff on top} B \leftarrow $$ $$ \rightarrow A \xleftarrow[stuff below] B \leftarrow $$ \stoptext Will make copy paste a bit easier! Though these days I find myself writing more in context and soon will face the reverse problem. I will need to copy context math into latex (needed for final journal submission) and some of the math features are simply missing from latex :) Aditya