16 Jan
16 Jan
3:21 p.m.
Hi, I am a Latex (MikTex 2.4, WindowsXP Pro) user and I want to learn more about ConText. I installed ConText via the MikTex 2.4 package manager, and read some of the ConText manuals. I also compiled successfully some of the ConText tex samples, but I ran into a couple of problems : - First I would like to know the most recent stable version of ConText and where to get it. - Looking at the logs of some of the runs e.g. compiling the MetaFun manual, I am running into font problems. Error messages like : maketfm : No creation rule for font "ComputerModernSans-Bold" pop up. I saw some emails on this list dealing with the same problem, but I could not find a definite solution. Thanks for your help Kind regards W. Neimeijer