Pablo Rodriguez mailto:oinos@gmx.es 19. März 2017 um 21:07via Postbox https://www.postbox-inc.com/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=sumlink&utm_campaign=reach
Many thanks for your explanation, Wolfgang.
I didn’t consider that Neo Euler might be a default font. And I didn’t know that the values would be internal values which had to be overwritten by feature values for each alternative. The default values are only a thing for math fonts (but you’re using it outside of math) and I want to ensure goodies files etc. with font fixes are loaded.
BTW, does it happen the same to mono fonts? In the past, I wanted to check whether quality values for protrusion and expansion would make sense in the document I was typesetting, but I couldn’t make it work for mono fonts. No, mono fonts use the global feature settings but you can change this for all mono fonts with \setupfontfamily[tt][features=none].