Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
it would be great if the \placefigure macro could be extended to combinations like
... 1.) This is not exactly the same thing, but if we're talking about graphics: is it possible to include a figure (\externalfigure, perhaps withing \placefigure) in such a way that it fills exactly the remaining avalable space? factor=fit does almost exactly what I want, but it doesn't consider the space already taken by the preceeding text. If I wanted a figure to span over the whole presentation sheet, than factor=fit usually resulted in a caption on one page and a full-page figure on a new page. (I tuned the figure sizes manually, but that is not the proper way.) 2.) This is also something else, but what's the best way to write on pre-printed sheets of paper? Like honourable mentions and stuff like that. The lines are already given, so I would like the baseline (with name & surname for example) to be 0.5 mm above the line printed on paper, centered on that line (not necessary in the middle of the paper) I use \setupframed [align=middle, frame=off] \setlayerframed [page] [voffset=13.3cm, preset=leftbottom] [width=\paperwidth] {\MainFont #1} for that, but it doesn't take the baseline into consideration, so it has to be manually tuned for every line, every font & every font size (printed and compared if it looks OK). Yet another (probably doable, but more difficult to implement) request: there are for example five lines printed, with the distance of 13 mm and the width 10 cm (not necessary centered on the page). I would like to typeset a paragraph on them, so that the baseline of this text would be about 0.5 mm above the lines. I volunteer to write a MyWay if someone can help me with that. Thank you, Mojca