On 14 May 2016, at 01:25, Hans Hagen
installing and running the garden distribution is quite simple (as is updating) .. there are less files too (so no big burden to have it alongside tex live)
With this installation, I get a strange bug: In the example below, the first integral gets ‘limits' in the displayed formula, as though ‘nolimits’ has not been defined. It works if one puts a character before the first integral sign. So it seems that the \startformula command misses the ∫ definition on the first non-space character. ---- \setupbodyfont[xits,10pt] \appendtoks \catcode`∫=\activecatcode \letcharcode `∫ \int \to \everymathematics \setupmathematics[integral=nolimits] Nolimits $\int_0^∞ f ω$, and $∫_0^∞ f ω$ \startformula ∫_0^∞ f ω, \quad ∫_0^∞ f ω, \quad \int_0^∞ f ω \stopformula ----