On 15 sept. 2012, at 00:12, luigi scarso
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Alessandro Perucchi
wrote: On 14 Sep 2012, at 13:26, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: There is a vertical skip missing in the MkIV version of the macros.
\def\pack_textrule_following#1% {\doifelsenothing{#1} - {\nointerlineskip + {\vskip\dimexpr\strutdp+.5ex\ifdim\prevdepth>\strutdp\else\ifdim\prevdepth>\zeropoint-\prevdepth\fi\fi\relax + \nointerlineskip \dontleavehmode\vbox {\color[\directtextrulesparameter\c!rulecolor] {\hrule\s!depth\directtextrulesparameter\c!rulethickness\s!height\zeropoint\s!width\availablehsize}}} {\pack_textrule_with_text{#1}}% \ifvmode \prevdepth\zeropoint \fi}
I've tried to patch pack-mrl.mkiv and I still get the error of spacing before the second \textrule.
have you regenerated the format ?
Well no.... I didn't know!!! and after searching how to do it, I found and yes it works :-) Thanks!! Sincerely yours, Alessandro