Hi, I tried to set some PDF boxes properly, but no luck (setupcanvas). After searching the mailing archive from 2015 I found this (broken) example. Is this still the official method to set the crop|trim|bleed boxes? ----- \showframe \setuplayout [location=middle, width=middle, height=middle, cropoffset=auto, trimoffset=1bp, bleedoffset=2bp, artoffset=2bp] \setupbackend [level=0] \starttext \definepapersize[TestA][width=100bp,height=200bp] \definepapersize[TestB][width=150bp,height=250bp] \setuppapersize[TestA][TestB] test \stoptext ----- ConTeXt version 2017.01.27 gives [..] 10 0 obj <> endobj [..] One additional note. The Mediabox precision seems to be 5 now (and not 4). Taken from my latest table using TeXpage (/MediaBox[0 0 1655.39105 969.22291]). The precision value for the other boxes should be adjusted to avoid rounding problems (?Box < MediaBox). [lpdf-mis.lua] [..] -- temp hack: the mediabox is not under our control and has a precision of 4 digits local factor = number.dimenfactors.bp local f_value = formatters["%0.4F"] [..] Not in a hurry, fix (or advice) is welcome at any time :D Best wishes, Peter