Martin Oppegaard mailto:martin.oppegaard@gmail.com 11. August 2016 um 21:42 Hi Wolfgang, thank you for the quick reply.
Moving \definefontfeature before \setupbodyfont doesn't change anything for me. Here is the output of running context: You need also "script=latn" when you enable oldstyle numerals.
You can use the mtxrun script to list the available features of a font where you also see the necessary script: $ mtxrun --script font --list --info fbbregular resolvers | trees | analyzing 'home:texmf' mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | mapping : fbbregular mtx-fonts | fontname : fbbregular mtx-fonts | fullname : fbbregular mtx-fonts | filename : fbb-Regular.otf mtx-fonts | family : fbb mtx-fonts | weight : normal mtx-fonts | style : normal mtx-fonts | width : normal mtx-fonts | variant : normal mtx-fonts | fweight : conflict: regular mtx-fonts | ... mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | gsub features: mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | feature script languages mtx-fonts | ... mtx-fonts | onum grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt %%%% begin example \starttypescript [serif] [fbb] \setups[font:fallback:serif] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:fbbregular] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [file:fbbitalic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [file:fbbbold] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [file:fbbbolditalic] \stoptypescript \definefontfeature[default][default][script=latn,onum=yes] \definetypeface [fbb] [rm] [serif] [fbb] [default] [features=default] \definetypeface [fbb] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] \setupbodyfont[fbb] \starttext ABC abc 1234 \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang