Hi, Is there a simple way to obtain the following result in the table of content : ContentsCHAPTER 1Title of chapter 21.1 Title of section 2 (the chapter title underneath its number and left aligned, just like everything else) The following code used to do the job with MkII but it doesn't anymore with MkIV : \setuplabeltext[chapter=CHAPTER~]\setuplist[chapter][label=yes, style={\blank[0cm]}] \starttext \startfrontmatter\completecontent\stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter\chapter{Title of chapter}\section{Title of section}\stopbodymatter \stoptext Instead, I get something like this (I hope it turns out readable through the email) : Contents CHAPTER 1 Title of chapter 21.1 Title of section 2 where the 2 lines of the chapter, together with their alignment with the frame, get tossed to the right... Thanks in advance ! Mathieu