I too am stuck in specification hell. The specifier is ovenamored of stretching text and the like. I worked through that with the TeX/LaTeX macro soul.sty. My immediate problem is with putting the caption of a table in a different font. Currently I have: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \setupcaptions[location=top,headstyle=bold,style=bold] \placefigure[here][tab:comp]{Comparison of Corporate and Government Bond Portfolios} { etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently I get the caption in bold but the string "Figure 2-1" is not in bold. A second problem: The designer asks for -------------------------------- Figure 2-1 Comparison of Corporate etc. -------------------------------- but I get: ------------------------------- Figure 2-1 Comparison of Corporate etc. -------------------------------- I can avoid \placefigure and hand code each caption of course but that deprives me of the ability to float the figures. Unfortunately they brought in the designer after I had already started work (and cashed the deposit check.) The first difficulty (typeface) is IMO the most critical. -- John Culleton Able Indexing and Typesetting Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost. Satisfaction guaranteed. http://wexfordpress.com