On 2013–09–10 R. Ermers wrote:
I have problems with the placement of floats. I need them to be placed in the outer edge of the text, but Context puts them in the middle of the page. The outer, inner, outeredge, inneredge, commands do not work. Right and left do work.
You probably confused edge and margin. By default the edge has zero width and has to be enabled using \setuplayout.
Preferably the criterium option should also work
\setupexternalfigures [location=default] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definefloat [marginfigure] [marginfigures] [figure] \setupfloat [marginfigure] [default=margin, criterium=\marginwidth] \setupcaption [marginfigure] [number=no] \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{9}{%% \input knuth \startplacemarginfigure \externalfigure [cow] [width=\recurselevel cm] \stopplacemarginfigure} \stoptext Marco