20 Jan
20 Jan
7:08 p.m.
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
when, in a french project, the line ends with e.g. l'int\'{e}r^{e}t then context doesn't hyphenate "l'interet" and the line gets stretched. (If I wouldn't have the l-apostroph construction then the word is hyphenated "in-teret", so its hyphenation is know to TeX.)
Hello Steffen, perhaps you just need a font with "real" accented characters, such as Latin-Modern. This works for me: \enableregime[il1] \usetypescript[modern][texnansi] \setupbodyfont[modern] \starttext \dorecurse{50}{l'intérêt } \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/ _____________________________________ FilmSearch engine: http://f-s.sf.net/