Dear all, Last weekend I had my first hands-on experience with Context. I was told that a listing of the type of problems that I encountered would have a certain value to the Context project. That's why below you'll find an overview of my beginner-questions, to some of which I already found answers. My aim is not to have all questions answered via the list, but rather to document them for later use in some kind of manual. For I know that finding the answers is mostly a matter of searching the documentation. Kind regards, Luuk Beurskens The Netherlands PS: I have been using Latex for some years. The questions below came up using a stand-alone Context environment in MS Windows. Q: Starting with Context, the use of which language is to be preferred for the commands? A: The English version is most commonly applied, even in the Netherlands Q: If one starts in a Context document in one language, can it be easily converted to another language (form English to Dutch or German, for example)? A: This is possible, but no ready-available tool exists. Q: Why does background=color not work inside \bTABLE ... \eTABLE? A: Put \setupcolors[state=start] in the beginning of the document Q: How to apply a background colour for the margin space? A: This is possible but not easy to explain. See info by Patrick Gundlach and the section Crossing Borders in the Metafun manual in chapter Pagebackgrounds by Hans Hagen. Q: Where to put the commands that apply to the whole document? Is there a 'preferred sectioning' of a Context source? A: Q: What is the equivalent of the Latex \begin{thebibliography} environment? A: Q: The command \setupwhitespace[big] doesn't have an impact on the paragraph spacing. What am I doing wrong? A: Q: Using \startcombination[*] it is possible to display several pictures into one figure. How could one achieve that several figures are treated as one picture, i.e. that they are all forced to be placed on one page? A: Q: One cell in a table (\bTABLE ... e\TABLE) should contain a unit (EJ for example) in square brackets: [EJ]. The result is that the respective row is not displayed at all. What is wrong? Could I possibly use the Latex equivalent \symbol{code}? A: Q: How can I change the fontsize inside a table? A: Q: How can I change the fontsize of an \inmargin? A: Q: How can I make a line in the header or footer of a document? A: Q: How can I define a fancy page numbering (i.e. large and coloured number)? A: Q: How to make sure that numbers in a colomn align correctly, for example: 9400 60 100 3 Inserting ~ works fine when using a proportional font. An extra difficulty occurs when the figures should be centered below the heading of the column. A: Q: a question related to the use of SciTE: changing the file scite.properties for a proportional fontsize doesn't work, although it is very well explained in the SciTE helpfile. What's the trick? A: Q: Installing the minimal context distribution on a Windows 98 machine gives problems when copying on harddisk E:. Running the batch-file cscite.bat results in the following message: "cscite root, e.g. cscite d:\copyofcdrom" (more info: C: exists but D: is a non-writable linux partition). On a different computer the same directory structure on C: didn't give this message and worked well. A: