18 Oct
18 Oct
1:40 p.m.
this is related to the low level interface that is now english, so, one needs the latest bib module
Unfortunately, I'm already using it. So either the real new one is hidden somewhere else or there is still a problem. system : macros of module bib loaded (c:\Documents and Settings\popineau\My Documents/texmf/tex/context/bib/t-bib.tex ! Undefined control sequence. l.332 \definieerlijst [pubs][pubs] ? system : macros of module list loaded (c:\Documents and Settings\popineau\My Documents/texmf/tex/context/bib/t-list.tex) ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \c!nummercommando =\bibleftnumber I guess the new module is the one using t-bib.tex and t-list.tex. Fabrice