1 Aug
1 Aug
3:37 p.m.
Gerion Entrup schrieb am 01.08.2024 um 17:19: > Am Donnerstag, 1. August 2024, 16:36:06 MESZ schrieb Wolfgang Schuster: >> Gerion Entrup schrieb am 01.08.2024 um 16:20: >>> Am Donnerstag, 1. August 2024, 16:13:23 MESZ schrieb Wolfgang Schuster: >>>> Gerion Entrup schrieb am 01.08.2024 um 14:28: >>>>> Hi, >>>>> >>>>> I want to make a two sided document with margin notes. >>>>> The notes should not be hyphenated and always aligned to the inner text body. >>>>> However, I did not get this to work. >>>>> It hyphenates and the alignment is only correct at even pages. >>>>> >>>>> Do you know the correct way? >>>>> >>>>> Here is a MWE: >>>>> ``` >>>>> \setuppagenumbering[location={footer, right}, alternative=doublesided] >>>>> >>>>> \definealign[myalign][inner, nothyphenated] >>>>> \setupmargindata[inmargin][ >>>>> location=outer, >>>>> style=italic, >>>>> % nothing of that seems to have any effect >>>>> % align=myalign, >>>>> % align=inner, >>>>> % align=nothyphentated, >>>>> align={inner, nothyphentated}, >>>>> ] >>>> Use \setupmarginframed for the alignment. >>>> >>>> \setupmarginframed >>>> [inmargin] >>>> [align={inner,nothyphenated}] >>> Does the align parameter of \setupmargindata has any function, then? >>> Also, using setupmarginframed leads to other problems: >>> - The margin text is bold now(?) >>> - All margin nodes are on the left of the page now (this should be only the case for even pages) >> The location of the margin block and the style are still controlled by >> \setupmargindata and only the alignment has to be changed with >> \setupmarginframed. >> >> \setupmargindata >> [inmargin] >> [location=outer, >> style=italic] >> >> \setupmarginframed >> [inmargin] >> [align={inner,nothyphenated}] > Thanks, that works for the alignment. It does not change the hyphenation. > I would have expected this line breaks in the margin note: > > significant > incredible > components > > Instead, ConTeXt generates: > > significant in > credible com > ponents > > In general: > Does the "align" argument in setupmargindata has a meaning at all? The align key works and the output is correct but the problem in this case is a user error. When you compare mine and your example you should notice a difference in the spelling of nothyphenated which has an extra "t" in your case. > Why is the action to setup margin notes splitted in setupmargindata and setupmarginframed? I find it kind of unintuitive. There are two different mechanism at work here: 1. The placement of the texts is controlled with the margindata mechanism has style and align options. 2. In addition to the placement mechanism some of the margin texts make use of \framed for the content. Because not all margin texts should make use \framed this is optional and controlled with an extra setup-command. The separate setup mechanism avoid also problems with keys which have a different meaning for the placement of the margin texts, e.g. location is an already existing framed-key but it is also used to set the horizontal position of the block. Wolfgang